Reply To: South Coasters Club Picnic

Reply To: South Coasters Club Picnic

Forums Calendar Events South Coasters Club Picnic Reply To: South Coasters Club Picnic

Gilbert Galvez

    Still not seeing a lot signed up for the picnic. Anyway, here are what we are having.

    As you are aware, the club will be providing sodas, water, burgers, hotdogs and Brandon will bring barbecue meat. Below are the lists of people bringing the following. For those who have not yet signed up but planning to attend and going to bring something. Hopefully, this list will help you decide on what to bring.

    Ric M – side dish and dessert

    Danny & Elaine – The KeyLime pie

    Ed T – side dish

    Eric W – green salad and dessert

    John C – Hawaiian Mac salad