South Coasters Club Picnic

South Coasters Club Picnic

Forums Calendar Events South Coasters Club Picnic

  • Creator
  • #19778 Reply
    Gilbert Galvez

      Hello Everyone, our club picnic is fast approaching. If you have not yet signed up, please do!! This is a good time to meet your fellow members, New and Old (not old in age but been a member for quite some time) just want to make it clear. We have quite a few new members in the club and we would love to meet them and their families.

      We will have burgers, hotdogs and Brandon W offered to barbecue our meat which is really cool. Our members are welcome to bring a dish to share. If you could please contact me to let me know what you are planning on bringing so that we will know if we have too many of the same dish.

      One other thing, please bring your own chairs. Hope to see you all there!





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    • Author
      • #19820 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Gilbert, and team,

          Thanks for all of your hard work!

          I’m not sure what I’m most excited about: the great South Coast camaraderie, Danny’s Key Lime pie, Brandon’s smoked ribs, or having survived a year as president.

          Hey, if you haven’t signed up on the event page, please do so.  Gilbert needs to know how many  to plan for.  While you are at it, send him a note through this forum or by email, telling him what you are bringing: salad, side dish, desert.

          Gilbert, Mr and Mrs President are bringing a green salad and a desert.


          • #20016 Reply
            Brandon Wilson

              For sure the ribs Eric. 🙂

              The Orion was broken in this last April with a huge Pork Butt and Wings I cooked for a group of starving guys with ECV. One of the guys was so impressed with the Orion he bought one while on the camping trip haha. I prefer to think he was impressed with my cooking/smoking skills haha.

              Looking forward to seeing you all and catching up on the last year’s lacking of Brandon sightings.

              • #20017 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  You’re my hero, Brandon!  And you also cook good food 🙂

                  We look forward to seeing you.

            • #19823 Reply
              Ed Taylor

                Gilbert, Count me in.  Do I need to sign the ride waiver?

                • #19879 Reply
                  Gilbert Galvez

                    Sorry for the late response Ed, you do not need to sign the ride waiver. Thanks

                • #19847 Reply
                  Gilbert Galvez

                    We still are not getting people sign up for the club picnic. It is coming very soon! Do not miss this great gathering with club members and their families. You can leave your riding gear at home and wear your shorts and favorite T-shirt.

                    Our club picnic will be held at Yorba Regional Park. I will try to save the same spot where we were last year.

                  • #19848 Reply
                    Ric Magrath

                      Gilbert, my wife and I will bring a side dish and a desert.

                      What time do the festivities kick off.?

                    • #19878 Reply
                      Gilbert Galvez

                        Hi, glad to see we are getting more people sign up for our picnic.

                        Our picnic will start at 10:00 a.m and end at 3:00 p.m. 

                      • #19880 Reply
                        Danny Wassenaar

                          Thanks Gilbert for organizing! Elaine & I will be attending the Sat July 8th picnic… and will bring THE KeyLime pie.  -Danny Wassenaar

                        • #19922 Reply
                          John Crittenden

                            Beth and I will bring a side dish (Hawaiian Mac Salad).

                          • #19953 Reply
                            Gilbert Galvez

                              Still not seeing a lot signed up for the picnic. Anyway, here are what we are having.

                              As you are aware, the club will be providing sodas, water, burgers, hotdogs and Brandon will bring barbecue meat. Below are the lists of people bringing the following. For those who have not yet signed up but planning to attend and going to bring something. Hopefully, this list will help you decide on what to bring.

                              Ric M – side dish and dessert

                              Danny & Elaine – The KeyLime pie

                              Ed T – side dish

                              Eric W – green salad and dessert

                              John C – Hawaiian Mac salad




                            • #19954 Reply
                              Pete Rissman

                                Pete R – Starbread from Starbread Bakery (a dessert)

                              • #20004 Reply
                                John Crittenden

                                  Hey, if anyone wants to bring a baseball glove, I’ll have mine and a ball!

                                • #20009 Reply
                                  Sergio Collazo

                                    Sue and I will bring fruit salad.

                                  • #20010 Reply
                                    Gilbert Galvez

                                      Thanks Sergio.

                                      Ed T is going to bring potato salad.

                                      Come on everyone! Sign up and attend!

                                      The start time of our picnic will be 10:00. It is at the middle of the thread in case you missed it. We should be done by 3:00. 

                                    • #20040 Reply
                                      Bill Reitz

                                        Sorry Gilbert, I thought I said Karen & I would bring dessert and 60 pounds of ice and a cooler.

                                      • #20045 Reply
                                        Ray Santos

                                          Hi Gilbert,

                                          Me and the Boss will be there and bring a Filipino dessert “Biko”.  Rice cake with brown sugar and coconut.

                                          Raymond Santos

                                        • #20049 Reply
                                          Eric Stoddard

                                            Happy 4th of July!   Looks like 26 members have signed up (plus some spouses I figure).   Mercedes and I will bring a side dish of Argentine empanadas to snack on.

                                          • #20052 Reply
                                            Gilbert Galvez

                                              Happy 4th Everyone!! Here are what we have from the members who mentioned what they are bringing for  our picnic this Saturday. Just a reminder. The club will provide burgers, hotdogs, barbecue, sodas and water. If you want to bring another kind of beverages feel free to do so.

                                              Side dishes – 4

                                              Green Salad – 1

                                              Potato Salad – 1

                                              Desserts – 4

                                              Fruit Salad – 1

                                              Bags of Chips – 1

                                              Do Not Forget To Bring Your Chairs!! If you have foldable table, bring it so you can eat better.

                                            • #20064 Reply
                                              Vern Shrader

                                                Vern Shrader & Robin Lee bringing Deviled eggs.

                                              • #20066 Reply
                                                Willis Ho

                                                  Just in time for the picnic,  back from US/Canadian Rocky mountains + Alaska trip.  Will bring a fruit plate.

                                                • #20074 Reply
                                                  Bill Reitz

                                                    Karen & I will bring 60 pounds of ice, two coolers, and a dessert.

                                                  • #20092 Reply
                                                    Henry Salari

                                                      For those members who don’t use FB, here’s a short recap video of the picnic


                                                      Goat Moto Tours -

                                                    • #20093 Reply
                                                      Eric Wolf

                                                        Excellent!  Thanks Henry

                                                        And one more time: thanks to Gilbert and his team for putting the picnic together.

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