8 day ride to Colorado

8 day ride to Colorado

Forums Rides 8 day ride to Colorado


  • Creator
  • #19183 Reply
    howard Bland

      I am leaving June 20 to be in Steamboat Springs June 23 for Memorial  and start back home the next day.  Anyone interested in joining me for all or part of the trip.  Howard Bland


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    • Author
      • #19184 Reply
        Henry Salari

          Ahh maann…this is a ride I’ve been wanting to do. Unfortunately, I am getting in the day before from a 3 3-week ride, I think I would be completely “biked out” by then. But I’ll keep an eye out for it…you never know…

          Goat Moto Tours -

        • #19240 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Wish we could join you Howard, but conflicts….. 🙁
            Beautiful state to ride in, Enjoy!


          • #19787 Reply
            Willis Ho

              Ride through the beautiful State of Colorado two year in a row.  Will ride again with Howard to Steamboat Springs.

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