3-Day Laughlin Ride – Feb 24-26

3-Day Laughlin Ride – Feb 24-26

Forums Calendar Events 3-Day Laughlin Ride – Feb 24-26

  • Creator
  • #18423 Reply
    Ron Zablocki

      I’m attending this event. Anyone interested in sharing a room at the Pioneer Hotel?

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    • Author
      • #18431 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          This will be a great trip.  In addition to the Cold Springs stop pictured on the event page, we’ll likely make a stop in Oatman, the burro town.


          Photo by rejsefortaellinger, caption reads: First stop after L.A. Was good ol’ Oatman, Arizona. A true and oldschool cowboy village with donkeys rooming the streets 🤠🌵 if you go, remember to check out Oatman hotel and Dollar Bill Bar 💸 #westcoastroadtrip #roadtrip #uswestcoast #usaroadtrip #oatman #dollarbillbar #donkey #heybuddy #arizona #arizonaroadtrip #village #cowboy #oldschool #travelblog #travelgram #travellife #travelgoals #traveltales #travelarizona #exploreusa #uswestcoast #borntotravel #makingmemories #rejseliv #rejseblog #rejsudiverden #rejsefortællinger #traveltheworld #travelthrowback

        • #18432 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            And check out this Relive video.


          • #18437 Reply
            Joe Reyes

              I’m also in.

              excited to get my first trip in with the club!

            • #18502 Reply
              Ed Taylor

                3 day trip to Laughlin February 24th-26th is coming together.

                Day 1

                The ride will start at Bravo Burger 31722 Rancho Viejo Rd, San Juan Capistrano,.  From the 5 Fwy, East on 74, This is the first street East of the 5 freeway on the Right, in a shopping center.  KSU 8:30, come early is you want breakfast.  Over the Ortega and picking up members at the store bottom of Ortega in Elsinore.  Working our way East and possibly picking up another member in Beaumont then pounding pavement on the 10 Freeway to Desert Center. Traveling North on 177 then East on 62.  Then North on 95. If you want to donate an old pair of shoes, we will stop in Vital at the Rice Shoe Fence.

                We should be arriving Laughlin about 4:30.   Rooms have been reserved at the Pioneer Hotel in Laughlin, 702-298-2442.   use code: BMW23 when making your reservation.  The rooms are a modest $77 per night.  I am not sure you can camp and take a coin shower for less than that.  We are arriving early enough for a leisurely evening and a dinner somewhere in Laughlin.

                Day 2

                A loop that will include Hwy 66, Cool Springs Station, Oatman for lunch. Sitgreaves Pass. Back to the Pioneer Hotel in Laughlin

                Day 3

                Trek home Highway 163 West to 95 South to 40 West, probably lunch in Amboy, 29 Palms Highway to the 10 West.

                The GPX routes will follow. .

              • #18503 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  Good work, Ed.  Looking forward to it!

                • #18513 Reply
                  Pete Rissman

                    I’m registered and my room is reserved. FWIW, it was $79/night, not $77.

                    And to clear up any possible confusion, Bravo Burger is actually called Bravo’s California Fresh.

                  • #18815 Reply
                    Ed Taylor

                      We have space for a few more good men and women on the Laughlin ride.

                      I just want to remind everyone that the room hold at the Pioneer comes off on the 15th.

                      Who do you call?

                      The Pioneer Hotel and Casino .

                      When calling to reserve your room / rooms please use CODE: BMW23  702-298-2442.



                    • #18819 Reply
                      Ed Taylor

                        I am on “weather watch”.  Looking at the 10 day forecast, we all know how accurate that can be..

                        Laughlin on the 25th has a high of 67

                        Oatman is at 2700 feet and a high of 60 degrees

                        Sunday 30% possibility of rain

                        I will keep watching and reporting!!

                        • #18835 Reply
                          Dan Burtt

                            Looks like some rain all three days. does not appear to be very heavy, but I have not been able to get any “hourly” visibility for each day.

                        • #18832 Reply
                          Henry Salari

                            Late sign up here. Just an FYI, not sure why that is but booking directly with the hotel is $100.96 for two nights an through booking.com it’s $83.94 for two nights. So that’s what I got! Aren’t we supposed to get group discount with the BMW23 code, as opposed to being charged twice as much?!?

                            I will be joining the group at the intersection of highway 62 and 177. Maybe if Ed could turn on his Life360 app so I can track the group and be there at the right time, that would be fantastic. Or maybe giving me a quick text when you guys get on the road from Bravo Burger. Thank you in advance.




                            Goat Moto Tours -

                          • #18837 Reply
                            Ron Zablocki

                              Yeah, the rain forecast is not looking good. It started as light rain on Friday to rain all 3 days right now.

                              We may have to postpone this ride if the conditions don’t change. I’ll make a judgement call on Wednesday and keep checking the conditions up to then.

                              • #18839 Reply

                                  It’s not going to rain Ron; it will be fun and look at this memory we did in 2021

                              • #18841 Reply
                                Ed Taylor

                                  I just spoke with Ron,  the route will be posted today.

                                  The weather forecast is changing and  we are getting better optics as the week progresses.  The weather report as of today shows light to moderate rain Friday and Saturday and no rain Sunday

                                  Wednesday about Noon we will make a final determination on if it is a go.  You will have a 4 hour window to cancel you room if necessary.


                                  Henry Salari was able to find a booking.com price that was lower.  I called the Hotel and was offered a $48 room rate for the group.  Everyone’s room rate has been changed to $48.

                                  Good work Henry!

                                  Remember:  You will need to cancel your room by 4:00 Wednesday to not be charged for the room.




                                • #18842 Reply
                                  Ron Zablocki

                                    Okay folks, as promised I’ve attached the GPX route files for all 3 days, along with PDFs with an overview of the routes.

                                    Note that the Day 3 route ends at the Shell station at the bottom of Ortega Hwy, but obviously folks can break off at any time to head home.

                                    Please let me know if you have any questions.

                                    • #18936 Reply
                                      Dan Burtt

                                        Ed, I will not be joining the ride. I have cancelled my reservation at the Pioneer. I think it will just be to cold,  to windy and most likely wet for it to be an enjoyable ride for my son and I.

                                        Yep we are just wimps!

                                    • #18849 Reply
                                      Pete Rissman

                                        If rain was the only issue I wouldn’t be giving it another thought. But the wind and temperature forecasts along with the possibility of snow down to 1500’ elevation are giving me pause.

                                        The last time I rode a motorcycle in a snowstorm was on Ortega Hwy on my Triumph, and it scared the hell out of me — not so much my own ability to keep my bike going where I wanted it to, but the way the cars in oncoming traffic were sliding around. A couple came way over the center line, but it happened far enough in front of me that they could get back on their own side of the road before we passed each other.

                                        But I’ll wait until Wednesday to make the final decision.


                                      • #18928 Reply
                                        Pete Rissman

                                          I’ve been studying the weather for the last week and the Saturday rain probability for the Southern Nevada and Western Arizona region has gotten a little worse every day. As of this morning it’s at 70% and it’s also going to be cold and windy.

                                          So I don’t need to wait anymore: I’m going to take a pass on this ride.


                                        • #18930 Reply
                                          Ron Zablocki

                                            Okay folks, I have some weather updates as of 9am this morning.  For each of the 3 days I’ve put together charts showing precipitation, temperature and wind speed along each point of the day’s route.

                                            I don’t think it’s as bad as Pete makes it out to be.  But we’re still going to take another look at noon, and see where we are then.

                                            Assuming it stays the same as my charts from 9am this morning, who thinks these conditions are still acceptable for the ride?

                                          • #18935 Reply
                                            Henry Salari

                                              Okay folks, I have some weather updates as of 9am this morning. For each of the 3 days I’ve put together charts showing precipitation, temperature and wind speed along each point of the day’s route. I don’t think it’s as bad as Pete makes it out to be. But we’re still going to take another look at noon, and see where we are then. Assuming it stays the same as my charts from 9am this morning, who thinks these conditions are still acceptable for the ride?

                                              My gear is waterproof and so I my mindset. If every ride is sunny and 75, then where’s the adventure? You might as well ride to Starbucks if you don’t want your bike to get wet.
                                              I’m still in!

                                              Goat Moto Tours -

                                            • #18937 Reply
                                              Ron Zablocki

                                                Well folks – as of 11:45am this morning, the Day 2 (Sat) weather has changed for the worse.  See the updated route forecast below.  The weather for Fri and Sun hasn’t changed much.

                                              • #18939 Reply
                                                Travers Bell

                                                  So what’s the verdict? I’m on the fence, I really want to do this ride but, if I’m going to be battered by rain and cold this weekend then I’m not sure I’m up for it. A little rain here and there no problem, but constant wind and rain sounds awful.

                                                • #18940 Reply
                                                  Ed Taylor

                                                    We are looking that the weather this weekend and making the call: Canceled for this weekend and will  be rescheduled.

                                                    We are canceling now so that reservations can be canceled before the cut off of 4:00 today.

                                                    Thank you Ron for all your work.. It will be put to good use as we reschedule.

                                                    Ed T.


                                                    • #18941 Reply
                                                      Travers Bell

                                                        Thanks Ed for the call, I really appreciate that this club looks out for each other. Sorry I didn’t answer, I was on the phone with the Pioneer canceling my reservation. Thanks again, and thank you Ron for all the hard work you put into this trip. Looking forward to the next opportunity.



                                                    • #18942 Reply
                                                      Henry Salari

                                                        We are looking that the weather this weekend and making the call: Canceled for this weekend and will be rescheduled. We are canceling now so that reservations can be canceled before the cut off of 4:00 today. Thank you Ron for all your work.. It will be put to good use as we reschedule. Ed T.

                                                        Goat Moto Tours -

                                                      • #18953 Reply
                                                        Ron Zablocki

                                                          Thanks Ed, for your planning and arrangements as well.  Hopefully we can get this event rescheduled soon!

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