February 4th General Meeting, BaseCamp Training & BDR Movie Event

February 4th General Meeting, BaseCamp Training & BDR Movie Event

Forums Calendar Events February 4th General Meeting, BaseCamp Training & BDR Movie Event

  • Creator
  • #18318 Reply
    Bill Allen

      I don’t see the February event on the calendar. Any idea when/where that might be? I hope it’s not at Oh Dark Thirty a hundred miles away. To me, it would have been nice if the Rock Inn event was for lunch. I’m not being critical. It looks like there was a good turnout.  I’m just not getting up at 5 am to spend the day on the freeway.
      Thank you

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    • Author
      • #18321 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          I’ll be putting it up in the next couple days Bill. 😉

        • #18324 Reply
          Bill Allen


            Like to plan ahead.

          • #18334 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              The Feb 4th General Meeting is now up on the Calendar.

            • #18337 Reply
              Bill Allen

                Thank you, Ron.

              • #18348 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  Thanks Ron, I look forward to this.

                  I (like most of us), have a $600 Garmin that I only minimally know how to use.


                  South Coasters,

                  I encourage you to attend, bring your questions, and your Garmin.  Also, stick around for the BDR movie and support Irv Seavers.  They are good friends and promoters of the club!

                • #18362 Reply
                  Bill Allen

                    I guess I’m not “like most of us” as I don’t (nor want) a Garmin. The last straw was the last time it took hours to update the maps. I’m quite happy with Google Maps. Always current. Includes traffic. Easy to share.

                    If that’s all that’s going on at the next General Meeting (meaning no ride), it looks like I will be “Oh for two” for 2023 as far as General Meetings go which is contrary of one of my New Year’s goal. Oh well.

                    • #18376 Reply
                      Bill Reitz

                        Hey Bill, think of the meeting this way… You GET to be near me !! There will be a video & talk later about the Backcountry Discovery Routes.

                    • #18377 Reply
                      Ron Zablocki

                        it looks like I will be “Oh for two” for 2023 as far as General Meetings go which is contrary of one of my New Year’s goal. Oh well.

                        You missed out on a great ride to the Rock Inn this past Saturday Bill!
                      • #18379 Reply
                        Bill Allen

                          it looks like I will be “Oh for two” for 2023 as far as General Meetings go which is contrary of one of my New Year’s goal. Oh well.

                          You missed out on a great ride to the Rock Inn this past Saturday Bill!
                          I don’t doubt it, but the cost of having to depart at oh dark thirty and jamming on the freeway to LA Canada wasn’t worth it.
                        • #18380 Reply
                          Bill Allen

                            Hey Bill, think of the meeting this way… You GET to be near me !! There will be a video & talk later about the Backcountry Discovery Routes.

                            While that opportunity (seeing you) is enticing, I have NO interest in BDRs on the scooter.
                          • #18740 Reply
                            Pete Rissman

                              Here’s a link to some photos I took at the GM and BaseCamp training:



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