Winter Solstice Ride to Breakfast Anyone?

Winter Solstice Ride to Breakfast Anyone?

Forums Rides Winter Solstice Ride to Breakfast Anyone?

  • Creator
  • #18207 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      There was a previous tradition, key the Bill Rietz “the way we used to do it..”, to do a short ride on the Winter Solstice (and a very long ride on the Summer soltice).
      Anyone interested in a short ride to celebrate the Winter Soltice on December 21, 2022? We can meet somewhere central to those interesested. In the absence of anyone going, Sharon and I will be going to somewhere on the PV pennensula or Schooner or Later in Long Beach.
      We can celebrate the shortest day of the year, the last Christmas cheer, and the Argentina World Cup Victory… 😉
      Let us knwo if interested….

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    • Author
      • #18208 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          Maybe… What was your planned route?

        • #18209 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Meet at Seavers at 8am and Willy-Nilly to wherever those that show want to go, preferably a good hearty breakfast location! 😉

          • #18214 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              Ugh… that’s a work day for me. 🙁

              • #18221 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Sorry Ron, that Solstice thing just falls wherever it feels like! Merry Christmas, see you at Rock Inn!

              • #18217 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  I’m in!  Seavers at 8:00.  Thanks for organizing this Karl.

                • #18220 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Glad you are feeling better brother! 🙂

                  • #18222 Reply
                    Henry Salari

                      Would the organizer please add this one to the rider list. Thank you.

                      I’m way up on the north side, a few blocks from the La Cañada Panera.

                      If the breakfast destination has not been set yet, I’d like to throw this in the hat as well: There’s a cute little place here in La Cañada called “Dish” that has a very delicious menu. Pasting the map and images down here.

                      Goat Moto Tours -

                    • #18227 Reply
                      Bill Allen

                        I’m a definite maybe if we have breakfast at Scooner or Later. They have a great venue, ambiance and the bonus would be is that I would get to ride PCH home afterwards.


                      • #18231 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          As posted above, we really won’t know the breakfast location until we meet in the morning, but the intent is to have it be a reasonably short ride to breakfast considering we are not meeting up until 8am as Seavers. I enjoy Schooner or later also Bill Allen, great menue and ambiance, and certainly would like a new La Canada area breakfast location Henry, we like Hill Street Cafe and I would be up for trying Dish. It’s all what the group wants in the morning.

                          Here is to the Winter Solstice, the beginning of longer days to come, Christmas and a great New Year hopefull full of good things!

                        • #18258 Reply
                          Eric Wolf

                            Thanks for organizing a great ride, Karl.  It’s good to be back among the living :); over my cold.

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