10/1, Mt Baldy Day Ride

10/1, Mt Baldy Day Ride

Forums Calendar Events 10/1, Mt Baldy Day Ride

  • Creator
  • #17629 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Hi South Coasters!

      This Saturday will be a great day, starting with our General Meeting at Irv Seavers.  I hope to see many, many of you at Irv’s.  I may even have some giveaways.  Enjoy coffee and camaraderie.  After the meeting, we’ll head up to Mt Baldy Lodge for lunch.  We currently have 14 signed up but there is room for more.  If you think you want to go, click on the registration link so that I can get a good head count.

      Thanks to Ron Z. for creating the gpx route.

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    • Author
      • #17640 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          I pre-rode the route today… tough job.  🙂 The temps tomorrow will be beautiful; in the mid 70’s.  The entire trip from Irv’s to the Mt Baldy Lodge is only 65 miles so no gas stop is planned.  Show up tomorrow with a full tank please.

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