Day Ride General Meeting 8/6/22

Day Ride General Meeting 8/6/22

Forums Calendar Events Day Ride General Meeting 8/6/22

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  • #16414 Reply
    Warren Belkin

      We are planning a bit of a different day ride after the 8/6 General Meeting at Irv Seaver. Given that it’s so hot in August, we decided to do a scenic ride by the water to keep cool rather than heading inland. We’ll take a very scenic route to Marina Del Rey for lunch. After lunch, a group will head into the Malibu Hills for some challenging twisties for those who want more exciting riding. That second portion may be one loop or two loops into the hills depending upon timing.

      I set up two GPX files for the two parts of the ride. There is a bug impacting Basecamp so there is a small error – but I drove the route and we can go the way I’m planning.

      There are two spots that could separate the group on the scenic drive – so I would suggest loading the GPX routes just in case. Thanks – see you on Saturday.

      Warren Belkin, Secretary

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      • #16419 Reply
        Warren Belkin

          Sorry – updated the outbound freeways to get to the coast – here is revised GPX file to take the 57->22->405->110S (short piece to get to the coast).

        • #16421 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Warren what is waypoint 14 in the ride to Marina ? It is off the road but very close to #15. Maybe it looks different on BaseCamp but I imported the route into MyRoute.

          • #16422 Reply
            Warren Belkin

              Bill – they aren’t numbered in Basecamp. Does it give a description in Myroute so I know which waypoint you’re referring to?
              It might be one of the waypoints on 1407 Ardmore Ave. I am trying to force Basecamp to allow us to ride it straight along, but a bug in Basecamp is refusing to cross Pier Ave. I physically drove it last weekend and it’s fine to go through. I think I left one waypoint as an “announcing” point instead of shaping. I can upload a fix if that’s the issue? Thanks for reviewing.

            • #16423 Reply
              Warren Belkin

                Bill – here is V3 of the GPX changing to a shaping point – is that the issue you saw?
                Again – Basecamp forces a loop there – and there isn’t a loop. Just straight through on Ardmore.


              • #16425 Reply
                Bill Reitz

                  Yes, the Ardmore shaping points seemed to be the problem.

                • #16457 Reply
                  Warren Belkin

                    Hi everyone,

                    Pete R. is going to lead the Malibu portion tomorrow.

                    I had an error in the route I published – a one-way section (wrong way) in the hills.  Pete put together a modified ride – please load THIS GPX for the second half to Malibu.  Thanks!!

                  • #16459 Reply
                    Pete Rissman

                      Here’s the route I’ll be leading for those of you who don’t want to mess with a GPS.

                    • #16465 Reply
                      Willis Ho

                        Another beautiful ride along the southcoast!

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