3-Day Welcome to Baja ride Oct 14-16, 2022

3-Day Welcome to Baja ride Oct 14-16, 2022

Forums Calendar Events 3-Day Welcome to Baja ride Oct 14-16, 2022

  • Creator
  • #15995 Reply
    Henry Salari

      Due to popular demand, we have set up a waiting list for those who’d like to join us in case of a cancelation. Please fill out the waiting list form and we will reach out to you if and when there’s a cancelation.

      Thank you in advance.

      Welcome To Baja Weekend Getaway

      IMPORTANT: Valid passport is required

      Day 1: Friday October 14th, 2022
      We will start the trip by meeting at Bravo Burger in San Juan Capistrano for a light breakfast.
      KSU 8:00AM
      We’ll stop before crossing the border to top off, relief bladder and buy pesos. Crossing border around 10:30 at Chula Vista and head south on MX 1D.
      This is a toll road and the ride leader will pay for everyone’s tolls, no need to have a panic attack with Mexican change for the first time. Just buy the rider leader a beer later.
      We will stop an hour or so later south on 1D to have another bladder relief, and take some selfies at a lookout spot before we enter Ensenada.
      Lunch time at a local restaurant right outside of Ensenada.
      We will check into our hotel after lunch, relax, unpack, put on our flip flops and meet later in the evening to walk around the city and prepare for dinner. Then we will have dinner that may or may no involve meet sweats, giant flan desserts and delicious margarita pitchers that keep on coming. This will wrap up Friday night.

      Day 2 Saturday October 15th, 2022
      Breakfast at the hotel (free)
      KSU sometime after breakfast.
      We will make our way over to the Sea of Cortes by riding east on MX3 to the city of San Felipe. This will be a 3-hour ride to San Felipe, very uneventful and not much along the way.
      Upon arrival in San Felipe, we will twist your arm to try one of the best fish tacos we have ever had, this will be lunch time in San Felipe.
      After lunch, a short walk (a few blocks) through downtown, then check in at our hotel at Sandollar Hotel
      A Puertecitos 5283, Villas de Las Palmas, 21850 San Felípe, B.C., Mexico.
      Afternoon can be open for everyone to enjoy the hotel and pool/jacuzzi and drinks poolside.

      Sandollar Hotel has an awesome view, it’s right on the beach, and it boasts a 12 person hot tub and very nice pool.
      Night Itinerary for San Felipe:
      – Taxi $5 USD for evening walking/exploring and dinner in town.

      Day 3 Sunday October 16th, 2022
      KSU 7:30 AM, Breakfast & coffee in San Felipe.
      KSU 8:30 AM, ride north on MX5 to 2D (a MX toll road), about 3.5 hours + fuel, stop for break.
      Lunch and fill-up in Tecate. (about 12:30 arrival)
      (1:30 PM, cross the boarder in Tecate back to USA.
      Total travel to be about 8-9 hours, including lunch, boarder crossing and stops.

      Harry and I will do a quick presentation at our General Meet on September 3rd, 2022 to answer all your questions and address some of the to do’s and not to do’s. In the meantime, feel free to call, text or email either one of us with any questions you may have:

      Henry Salari:
      Phone/text: 310-403-6962
      Email: [email protected]

      Harry Hoffman:
      Phone/text: 657-600-5555
      [email protected]

      Looking forward to seeing at least 10 of you on this ride.

      Headcount cap: 10 riders total!
      Signup deadline: September 16th, 2022
      IMPORTANT: Valid passport is required

      Welcome To Baja Weekend Getaway

      Goat Moto Tours -

    Viewing 16 reply threads
    • Author
      • #15996 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          Sounds like fun!

        • #16001 Reply
          Jacob Perkio

            If my wife will be my passenger does she need to register for one of the 10 spots?

            2019 R1250GSA
            Building things is exercise for the brain.
            Riding motorcycles is exercise for the soul.

            • #16003 Reply
              Henry Salari

                If my wife will be my passenger does she need to register for one of the 10 spots?

                Hi Jacob. Yes. She needs her own spot. Unfortunately, I’m still working on the registration module and fine tuning it so as of right now I haven’t added tbe “plus one” option. But if you like to sign up for your and your wife I can definitely note that on the backend. Please let me know.

                Thank you,

                Henry Salari
                [email protected]

                Goat Moto Tours -

            • #16056 Reply
              David Voorhees

                Must admit still learning this site but would like to do the Baja ride.

              • #16057 Reply
                Henry Salari

                  Must admit still learning this site but would like to do the Baja ride.

                  Hi David,

                  We’re all learning….how to upgrade this site to a more modern version. In the meantime, feel free to visit this link and register for the Baja ride. We still have a few spots left Inaugural South Coasters’ Welcome to Baja Ride

                  Call, text or email me Henry Salari or this trip’s co-host Harry Hoffman with any questions you may have:

                  Henry Salari:
                  Phone/text: 310-403-6962
                  Email: [email protected]

                  Harry Hoffman:
                  Phone/text: 657-600-5555
                  [email protected]

                  Goat Moto Tours -

                • #16061 Reply
                  Cruz Guerrero

                    Henry,my wife will be my passenger. As I read she will count as one of the spots. See you soon

                  • #16062 Reply
                    Cruz Guerrero

                      Henry,my wife will be my passenger. As I read she will count as one of the spots. See you soon

                    • #16064 Reply
                      Henry Salari

                        Henry,my wife will be my passenger. As I read she will count as one of the spots. See you soon

                        That is wonderful Cruz. Excited to meet you and your wife on this ride. Got you down for 2 guests. Thank you.

                        Goat Moto Tours -

                      • #16066 Reply
                        Carl Tung

                          Henry, Harry,

                          Love the ride info and improved communication. Terrific Facebook video starring Harry. Easy one click registration. DONE – just registered. Looking forward to an awesome time in Baja!


                          • #16069 Reply
                            Henry Salari

                              Henry, Harry,

                              Love the ride info and improved communication. Terrific Facebook video starring Harry. Easy one click registration. DONE – just registered. Looking forward to an awesome time in Baja!


                              Thank you for the kind words Carl. I had to take a minute to process it. So excited that you could join us. See you soon.

                              Goat Moto Tours -

                          • #16067 Reply
                            Carl Tung

                              Oops, I conflated Harry’s Morro Bay Facebook video with the Baja trip.

                            • #16078 Reply
                              Henry Salari

                                Ladies and gentlemen, Harry and I are in process of reserving rooms. Of course, couples will get a single with queen or king based on availability.

                                You single riders, please reply with your preference: single individual room or bunk up? And please let us know who you’d like bunk up with. I personally don’t get roommates but that’s just my personal preference. Please let us know. Thank you in advance.

                                Goat Moto Tours -

                              • #16081 Reply
                                Ron Zablocki

                                  Are there any cost details yet, or is it a pay your own way thing?

                                  • #16082 Reply
                                    Henry Salari

                                      Are there any cost details yet, or is it a pay your own way thing?

                                      No details on either one yet.

                                      Goat Moto Tours -

                                  • #16083 Reply
                                    David Voorhees

                                      I’m single occupancy Henry. Appreciate your assistance.


                                    • #16085 Reply
                                      Sergio Collazo

                                        Single room por favor jefe.

                                      • #16136 Reply
                                        Julito Antolin

                                          @Henry – I know we traded a text…but just confirming with everyone else – Single room, please. Thank you. Looking forward to it!

                                        • #16137 Reply
                                          Ron Zablocki

                                            Hi Henry – Please add a +1 to my single room.

                                          • #16772 Reply
                                            Henry Salari

                                              I’m pretty sure most of you have read/watched the news over the weekend about the violence and unrest in northern Baja. If you haven’t, here’s an article:


                                              I do not want to sound insensitive towards your concerns and if you feel this trip is not for you Harry and I totally understand. We will prepare a statement,  an updated event detail with a must-pay-by date, a cancellation date and a waiting list option for those who are thinking of not going. Please expect an email to go out later this week.

                                              Thank you,

                                              H & H

                                              Goat Moto Tours -

                                              • #16851 Reply

                                                  Henry, keep me in the loop if you don’t mind, thank you.

                                              • #17198 Reply
                                                Ron Zablocki

                                                  Ladies and gentlemen, Harry and I are in process of reserving rooms. Of course, couples will get a single with queen or king based on availability.

                                                  Henry, we’d prefer a King bed if available. Gracias!

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