June South Coaster is HERE

June South Coaster is HERE

Forums Newsletters June South Coaster is HERE

  • Creator
  • #15792 Reply
    Harry Hoffman

      June edition: This month is big! Enjoy reading about BMW MOA and other MOA Rally events this summer, South Coaster Picnic and T-shirt order, as well as, 3 new members, May’s GM ride and the 49er Rally! Finally, don’t miss getting a personal helmet fitting by SHOEI, at Irv Seaver’s BMW.

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    • Author
      • #15794 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          Amazing job Harry – you seem to out-do yourself each month!

        • #15796 Reply
          Chris Roady

            another great edition Harry, thanks.

          • #15797 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              Wow, so much in just one month! Super fun issue Harry. And hoorah to the South Coasters members and board that make this such a great club to be a part of.

            • #15802 Reply
              Ed Taylor

                Another incredible newsletter
                Its good to be apart of this amazing group.

              • #15803 Reply
                Gilbert Galvez

                  Great job Harry! The pictures are really nice, John.

                • #15805 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    Excellent, Harry!

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