Club Shirts

Club Shirts

Forums Club Gear Club Shirts

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  • #15721 Reply
    John Crittenden

      I accidentally deleted the original post in an effort to clarify.   Here is the correct data on the shirts:

      Steve Leo has offered to produce the shirts for us.   These will be NIke Polo shirts, quite good quality, with the Club logo embroidered on the left breast area.   The price should be about $40 per shirt (don’t have the final figure yet).  There are short sleeve and long sleeve, male and female.     Attached are the pics of the shirts, and the colors available (black, gray, navy, royal, and red.

      I would like to get this order in by June 8 so that the shirts, hopefully, will be ready by Picnic time.   Please email me at [email protected] as soon as possible.  We will also be having an email blast go out again.



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