MOA Getaway: Los Osos, May 13 – 15

MOA Getaway: Los Osos, May 13 – 15

Forums Calendar Events MOA Getaway: Los Osos, May 13 – 15

  • Creator
  • #15535 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Hey South Coasters,
      The last two years we’ve attended the MOA Getaway in Los Osos, CA and again this year there’s been interest from members in going. This is just added to the calendar and you can find the info at this link.
      Make reservations separately with the hotel for your room and with MOA for the event.
      I’ll be leading a ride up on Friday, and will lead a ride on Saturday. I’m thinking of trying East Cielo and Jalama Beach for the Friday ride up, and Nacimeiento with a stop at the mission on Saturday.
      Please post your comments and questions. Watch for the ride list to be updated and sign up!

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    • Author
      • #15536 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Eric just to clarify, this is a Friday to Sunday event but you are riding up only Saturday & Sunday ??

        • #15554 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            This is a Friday – Sunday event.
            I’ll be leading a ride up on Friday, and will lead a ride on Saturday. I’m thinking of trying East Cielo and Jalama Beach for the Friday ride up, and Nacimeiento with a stop at the mission on Saturday.
            The ride list is updated to include Los Osos. Please sign up!

          • #15619 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              Unfortunately, I have a come down with a cold so must drop out of this ride. Please contact me if you are going so we can make other arrangements for ride lead and mileage.

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