Seven Passes Ride June 9-12 Tioga Pass reservation/park entry

Seven Passes Ride June 9-12 Tioga Pass reservation/park entry

Forums Rides Seven Passes Ride June 9-12 Tioga Pass reservation/park entry

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  • Author
    • #15480 Reply
      Bill Reitz

        Who is leading this ride ? I had some people with that question.

      • #15553 Reply
        Pete Rissman

          I believe Eric Wolf is the ride organizer.

        • #15682 Reply
          Harry Hoffman

            Hi guys,
            Due to my work schedule, I was unable to get the time off for the Seven Passes Ride.
            I have a YOSEMITE PARK TICKET ENTRY for anyone who could use it.

            DM me and I’ll send it to you. 🙂

            Harry H.

          • #15683 Reply
            Dan Burtt

              Is there a meetup point for the ride to Kernville?

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