SCBMWRC Member’s Survey March 24 2022

SCBMWRC Member’s Survey March 24 2022

Forums Club Business SCBMWRC Member’s Survey March 24 2022

  • Creator
  • #15377 Reply
    Warren Belkin

      The board is looking for your help to shape the future of the club and improve the experience and value for all members.

      We are asking for your input and you should have received an invitation via email to complete a short, anonymous survey.

      The survey will come from my personal email: [email protected]
      Please check your spam folder if you have not received it.

      If you can’t locate the survey, please just ping me and I’ll resend the invitation to you.

      The club is respectful of your time and has made this a short survey that should only take a few minutes. Thank you in advance for helping improve the club experience!!

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    • Author
      • #15378 Reply
        Bill Allen

          Thank you, Warren, for everything you do for the club.

        • #15379 Reply
          Chris Roady

            I commend the BOD big time for this outreach and desire to ensure alignment of the BOD with the membership=club

          • #15388 Reply
            Warren Belkin

              Thanks Bill & Chris. Definitely a group effort. Brandon initiated some ideas to explore change. Everyone wants to help make this the best club possible.

            • #15411 Reply
              Warren Belkin

                Hi everyone,
                We are up to 34 responses out of the 99 club members. I sent a reminder email – but I don’t want to clutter up inboxes. If you happen to see this note but have not responded to the survey, here is the link to do so:


                Your input is important so please do take a few minutes to submit your ideas. All responses are anonymous. Thank you!

              • #15424 Reply
                Mark Borgeson

                  I think ALL Oregon members have replied!

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              Reply To: SCBMWRC Member’s Survey March 24 2022

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