The Grand Coddiwomple!

The Grand Coddiwomple!

Forums General The Grand Coddiwomple!

  • Creator
  • #15244 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      The BMW MOA is excited to announce the 2022 edition of its free riding activity open only to MOA members – the Grand Coddiwomple! What is a Coddiwomple, you ask? Well, it means “ to travel in a purposeful manner toward a vague destination”. So, think of this is as a large-scale scavenger hunt created just for BMW MOA members!

      The Grand Coddiwomple is about all the places you will go and the fun things you will do that you would not have done otherwise. You get to choose your own Challenges and routes ridden on your own schedule! Everything is spelled out on the Rules and Challenges pages.

      Although the South Coast BMWRC does not currently have any events planned specifically to support the GC, John’s April ride to AZ will traverse ground coinciding with the GC. This looks fun and we encourage members to team up and hit some of the highlights listed on the Challenges link.

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    • Author
      • #15261 Reply
        John Crittenden

          I am registered for this. Keep in mind, the limit for registrations is 1000, so get your name in soon!

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