Coppers and Cycles Training – Anaheim PD

Coppers and Cycles Training – Anaheim PD

Forums Calendar Events Coppers and Cycles Training – Anaheim PD

  • Creator
  • #15224 Reply
    Carl Tung

      Coppers and Cycles Training in Anaheim
      (Similar to Hawthorne PD Ride to Live and Coronado Ride to Live training)

      Date: Saturday March 5, 2022
      Time: 7:30am-3:00pm
      Where: Angel Stadium Parking Lot
      Price: FREE

      I’ve been tracking the registration open date for a couple of months and was pinged by Anaheim PD yesterday. Registration opened, 2/16/22, and will sell out quickly due to limited space. I attended in January 2021 and it was a great event.

      Your state tax dollars at work!

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    • Author
      • #15232 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Thanks Carl, wish we could make it…. alas a conflict!

        • #15238 Reply
          Chris Roady

            Thanks Carl, I really enjoyed the Hawthorne PD class and was unaware Anaheim PD had one. I signed up for since it has been a few years and this is in our backyard!

          • #15239 Reply
            Sergio Collazo

              Thanks for the tip Carl. I signed up this one as well as the Coronado PD one.

            • #15240 Reply
              Pete Rissman

                Signed up, which means I’ll be absent at the SCBMWRC General Meeting.

              • #15268 Reply
                Carl Tung

                  Chris, Sergio, Pete,

                  Glad that you guys registered for Coppers and Cycles training this coming weekend. I will be on a motocamping trip to Joshua Tree (organized by LBBMW) so won’t be able to make it. I introduced the training to two friends who will attend: James Lau and Darshan Laheri. James is a good friend and my next door neighbor. He recently purchased my BMW blue G310R after graduating from e-bikes to a motorcycle. He’s ridden motorcycles as a UCLA grad student many eons ago. Who knows he may graduate to an RT or GS and become a SCBMWRC member like me. Darshan is a good friend and office mate. He rode many years in India and recently started getting back into riding. He’s on a red Kawasaki Ninja 400. I will mention your names. Please say hello when you run into them. I know for me, these types of training is more fun when you hear some familiar names.


                • #15269 Reply
                  Sergio Collazo

                    Thats great Carl. I will be on the look out and say hello.

                  • #15321 Reply
                    Sergio Collazo

                      Great class. I had a lot of fun and was SO EXHAUSTED afterwards.

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