September SouthCoaster is HERE

September SouthCoaster is HERE

Forums Newsletters September SouthCoaster is HERE

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    • #14684 Reply
      Ron Zablocki

        Another excellent job – thanks Harry!

        • #14686 Reply
          Harry Hoffman

            Ron Z, Great ride to Sequoia NP! I enjoyed revisiting the photos and story as the newsletter came together. Looking forward to next year!

            • #14688 Reply
              Ron Zablocki

                Yes, I have to say this was one of the better club rides we’ve had IMHO. 😁

          • #14685 Reply
            Harry Hoffman

              Thank you Brandon for fixing the “technical difficulty”. I.e., me! 🙂

              I appreciate all of the compliments each month, Ron! Thank you sir.

            • #14687 Reply
              Harry Hoffman

                Recently, Sergio C., posted this on another thread on the club’s site. I wanted to repost it here to add its’ value and great opportunity! Hope more of us can join Sergio that weekend and make it a great day!

                “Hello Everyone,
                Walt Fulton’s cornering workshop is ramping up classes again for the fall. I registered for the October 23rd training where they have a wide open class with 39 available slots.
                Using group discount code “GRP20” you can get 20% off the rate of $390 and bring the cost own to $312.
                It gets even better though as BMWMOA members get to access the Paul B. Memorial scholarship which provides a $250 subsidie towards the cost. So, for a net cost of $62 you get a full day of training by a former professional road racer.”
                Class information

                Front Page

                Scholarship information

              • #14690 Reply
                Sergio Collazo

                  Thanks for posting Harry. I’m going to start promoting it on the Facebook page and drive the traffic to the forum and where members can learn how to get the class for only $62 net (conditions apply).

                  We need at least 4 south coasters in order to get the group discount. It would be great if we can bring a sizable delegation to this training on October 23rd.

                • #14696 Reply
                  Chris Roady

                    WOW .. great edition Harry. That was a lot of work, thank you!

                  • #14697 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      Harry, you outdid yourself this month, well done! Good contibutions and you put it all together as well as contributing! Thank you!

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