Reply To: Pinnacles National Park, Sept 10-12

Reply To: Pinnacles National Park, Sept 10-12

Forums Calendar Events Pinnacles National Park, Sept 10-12 Reply To: Pinnacles National Park, Sept 10-12

Pete Rissman


    This evening the US Forestry Service announced that they are CLOSING ALL NATIONAL FORESTS IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA effective at 11:59 PM on August 31st (tomorrow @ noon). This closure is expected to last until “the end of the day on September 17th.

    The Pinnacles campground is in the National Forest, so this probably means we don’t have a campground to go to (although I don’t know this for a fact).

    Oof! I wonder if there’s a private canpground in that general area we can get a reservation at? I’d be willing to spend more than $20 to make this trip happen.