Reply To: Sequoia N.P. Weekend

Reply To: Sequoia N.P. Weekend

Forums Rides Sequoia N.P. Weekend Reply To: Sequoia N.P. Weekend

Pete Rissman

    Here’s a little update for those of you who care: The smoke and air quality in the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks has improved significantly since yesterday morning. Air quality now ranges from good to moderate throughout the area versus moderate to unhealthy for sensitive groups. A lot can happen between now and Sunday, but the current trend is moving in a favorable direction.

    Below are the smoke and air quality maps from this morning and this evening for comparison. Green spots are good and yellow is moderate. Bear in mind that moderate readings are fairly common in the Los Angeles Basin. BTW, the blue dot in the center of the PM map is Grant Grove Village which is about as far north as our planned route will take us on Saturday.