Joe Alwan

Joe Alwan

Forums General Joe Alwan

  • Creator
  • #14307 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Joe passed away last week—-very sorry to hear this.  He was a  good guy and a fighter.

      The Club has made a donation to the Prostrate Cancer Foundation in memory of Joe.

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    • Author
      • #14309 Reply
        David Omlor

          Sad news. I enjoyed the short times I met and conversed with him. Seemed like a genuinely gracious gentleman and a heck of a motorcyclist.
          May he rest in peace.

        • #14311 Reply
          Erasmo Brenes

            Very sad news. Joe was a great guy and rider. Diane and I enjoyed talking about New England with him.
            He will surely be missed.

          • #14313 Reply
            Chris Roady

              Thanks to the BOD for approving a donation in Joe’s honor. RIP Joe, you are missed.

            • #14324 Reply
              howard Bland

                Sad news!
                Good guy and member!

              • #14333 Reply
                Gilbert Galvez

                  So sad to hear the news about Joe’s passing. He surely will be missed. I have a good conversation with him last year after the Big Bear ride.

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