MOA Utah Getaway 5/24-28

MOA Utah Getaway 5/24-28

Forums Rides MOA Utah Getaway 5/24-28

  • Creator
  • #14155 Reply
    Mark Odom

      Any Southcoasters considering attending this MOA Event/Training and Ride opportunity with West38Moto in Utah May 24-28?
      MOA Off Road Training and Rides UTAH

      I don’t get out much but when I do I try to make the most of it! Sounds like a great opportunity to get some dirt training and ride around Moab at the same time. Bummer that it butts up against the 49er Rally. I would enjoy meeting up for the ride to La Sal or at the event. Probably will leave early on the 23rd, motel that night and arrive at 3 Step Hideaway in time to register, set up camp, and enjoy dinner.


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    • Author
      • #14162 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Would really like to do this Mark, but alas time is not limitless…. already signed up for the 49er and looking forward to that. Thanks for sharing.

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