Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Forums Calendar Events February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Mark Borgeson

    Another update.

    First of all Cindy & I are blown away by the kindness and support of the club members. We are new to the club and yet you have treated like family. You all are the best! I’m not kidding. Offers for dinners, house cleaning, transportation, towing for my bike, literally “anything we need” has been offered! Irv Seaver, especially Jeff in service, has been helpful too offering advice and assistance. Most importantly we want to thank everyone for your prayers.

    So it’s been almost 2 weeks since the accident and there’s been much improvement. Cindy’s doing well but will be on disability for 1 or 2 months until she regains full use of her left arm. She’s in good spirits and is doing better every day. She saw her primary care physician yesterday and has physical therapy twice a week at home. Everyone is pleased with her progress.

    I’m almost recovered and went back to work this week. I’m a little sore but am fine as long as I don’t cough or sneeze.

    I heard from the insurance adjuster today. I’m sorry to say the bike is totaled. I was kind of surprised but it did take a hard fall. They’re paying me about 95% of what I paid for it, plus original sales tax, plus replacement cost of the damaged gear. Pretty darn good.

    See you all at the next club meeting.

    Mark & Cindy