March BOD and Club meeting March 5, 2016?

March BOD and Club meeting March 5, 2016?

Forums General March BOD and Club meeting March 5, 2016?

  • Creator
  • #1289 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Do not see these on the calendar. Assuming they are happening, is anyone interested in a primer on the new website as part of the club meeting, or perhaps a half day ride somewhere, anyone interested?

      Karl – Did you see the Board Members Guide in the “Board Members Only” forum? I’m going to re-write it to make is simpler as soon as I can. For members, there’s the “Site FAQ” forum.

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    • Author
      • #1296 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          I would be interested in learning how to post events to the calendar/events sections. I’ve read Rick’s first write-up and still can’t figure it out. I look forward to a simpler re-write.

        • #1301 Reply
          Paul Nelson

            YES! Website instruction. (man, I could use some of that)

          • #1303 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Well, yes, just thought it might be of General Topic information to all. Some of us, myself included, do a bit better in a group environment than even the simpliest instruction, FAQ, etc.

              I am receiving seveal emails with questions as to log on problems. Just thought this might be of interest, that is IF we are having a meeting, which is not on the calendar…..

              Apologies for trying to stimiluate interest……….

            • #1310 Reply
              Paul Nelson

                Please don’t forget, Karl. No good deed goes unpunished. Cya soon, Paul

              • #1311 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  Karl, are you getting the questions resolved? You can pass them to me, or Rick if he is more suited, and we will get them straightened out!

                  Also, Rick will be writing up a “SCBMWRC Website Guide for Smart People Who Still Aren’t Getting It”, which group includes ME. Actually, this is just all new, and not rocket surgery.

                • #1325 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Here is the route for the Saturday ride after the General Meeting. We should see some wild flowers along Glendora Mountain, Glendora Ridge, or Mt. Baldy roads. I’m buying ice cream when we get to Dickey’s.

                    • #1327 Reply
                      Larry Troffer

                        If there’s a ride, Trish and I will go

                    • #1361 Reply
                      Bill Reitz

                        Sounds good Larry & Trish, there is a ride. Karen & I are going too. I called Bob W and told him about the meeting and ride so he and Diane might show up. Anyone else ??

                      • #1362 Reply
                        Paul Nelson

                          Thanks for planning a ride, Bill. Paul and Gale will be there.

                        • #1366 Reply
                          John Crittenden

                            I likely will ride also!

                          • #1369 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              General Meeting is now on the Calendar.


                            • #1375 Reply
                              Bill Allen

                                Please ride safe!

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