Online Motorcycle Saftey Training

Online Motorcycle Saftey Training

Forums General Online Motorcycle Saftey Training

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  • #12883 Reply
    Mark Borgeson

      MC Rider is good site with all types of training videos. The courses range from beginner to intermediate topics. A new video comes out every Friday. Todays lesson is on Trail Braking.

      Check it out: MC Rider Link

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    • Author
      • #12886 Reply
        Mark Borgeson

          More really good online MC training!

          For some reason I can’t post this with the URL’s
          Go to YouTube and search for the following:
          Ride Like a Pro Jerry Palladino
          Dan Dan the Fireman
          Doodle on a motorcycle

          You’re welcome ๐Ÿ˜‰

        • #12888 Reply
          Chris Roady

            Thanks Mark, how’s the Great North West Chapter doing?

          • #12891 Reply
            David Eastly

              Thanks Mark!

            • #12892 Reply
              Mark Borgeson

                You’re welcome guys.

                Be sure to check out DanDan the fireman. He’s a fireman (duh) and EMT and analyzes MC crashes. Very informative! I think he mentions Karl Wagner once or twice

              • The SCBMWRC-GNW is going strong. There aren’t many members, ok one, but there’s no disagreement between members either. I do have a potential member. A BMW rider friend who I met at a Total Control Training class a few years ago in San Diego who also moved up here to the Great Northwest.

          • #12894 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Hey now……. ๐Ÿ™‚

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