Cover Page Photo – Submissions Wanted!

Cover Page Photo – Submissions Wanted!

Forums General Cover Page Photo – Submissions Wanted!

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  • #12842 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Greetings South Coasters – 

      I would like to remind folks if you did not read in the newsletter, I would like to start an ongoing contest to submit killer cover shots to make the cover of the Newsletter each month. If you have a killer short from a ride that month, please send your submissions to [email protected]

      There is no prize, other than the recognition and YOUR photo on the cover of the newsletter. 

      The picture should be a halfway decent resolution. If not, I can’t publish it without the picture looking like an 8-bit video game. 

      Last, I am always looking for new and interesting content for the newsletter. Did you work on a killer project for the bike? Did you go on an amazing trip and can’t wait to share? Send me your stories or ideas and I am happy to consider all. 

      Best, Brandon

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