Buttonwillo Raceway June 13, 2020

Buttonwillo Raceway June 13, 2020

Forums Rides Buttonwillo Raceway June 13, 2020

  • Creator
  • #12634 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Sharon and I are heading up to watch a friend race his BMW automobile at Buttonwillo Raceway this weekend. If you are interested in a 4 hour up early start Saturday and watching 4 wheel racing, let me know and I will send you information as I get it.
      We will be brining chairs, cooling gear and lunch. There will be a gate fee, will forward along with other info when I get it.

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    • Author
      • #12641 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Well, apparently this race event is a bigger event than we expected, providing a challenge to Social Distance, so we are opting to not attend this one. Heading out to look for a trail Saturday maybee….. 🙂

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