Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Forums Calendar Events February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted


    OMG… I have been away from this website, and as I started to read the last posted comments – Bob H. with wordings … “Good to hear that Mark and Cindy are not too damaged“, I immediately jumped to the top to find out what happened.

    Mark & Cindy, I am so glad that you guys are okay and recovering.

    For those guys who haven’t ridden with Mark, let me tell you, Mark has good skills to maneuver K1600 GTL Exclusive with passenger. What happened to Mark, could potentially happen to anyone of us. In panic we all make choices – good or bad and you only find out later if it was good or bad. With that been said, let’s look on the bright side – (a) Thank God as it could have been worse, (b) Mark pointed out insight to his gear and dysfunctional items, so that should be a learning for all of us, and we need to revisit our own gear that we have been wearing for long. Lastly, (c) perhaps we should all slow down a bit, at least for a while to reflect that you need to come home alive to your families.