Forums General Y’ALL OK ?

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  • #12220 Reply
    Chris Roady

      Just checkin in from Brea, all is well. Everyone OK out there? Let us know if you need help or just check in? I am sure we have someone in the club nearby who can help if needed.

      Edit to add a request: I told our Newsletter Editor, the honorable Brandon Wilson, that I would attempt to get him an article for our next newsletter about what various club members have been doing to occupy themselves during our “stay at home” edict. If you are reading this, will you please Email me a simple line or two on the subject … project, writing your novel, needlework .. at [email protected]


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    • Author
      • #12221 Reply
        Bill Allen

          I’m fine except for the webbing growing between my toes. Tired of this rain!

        • #12222 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Karen & I are in good spirits. I spend my days sitting at the computer or on my phone answering Facebook requests to join the Club. The weeds in the yard are turning pretty colors, like the flowers that won’t grow.
            I could use some chocolate brownies if someone is in the area.

          • #12223 Reply
            Erasmo Brenes

              Diane and I are fine as well. Just working remotely, in different rooms 🙂
              We also ride our bicycles a lot to stay in shape (google zwift), which hopefully will soon be in the real world.

            • #12224 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                We are well here in Torrance, some of us still do that four letter word from home “W-O-R-K”…….. 🙂
                Really like the idea of everyone submitting a short blub on what they are doing during this time.
                I anticipate Brandon would appreciate an article on any somewhat moto-related topic for next months newsletter, as looks like April will be a bust for riding again. Tech, packing, product review, your favorite ride, etc. Share your stories and thoughts with us all who are pining to ride!
                Be Well Everyone!

              • #12225 Reply
                Steve Leo

                  The Leo’s are doing well. Jan is recuperating from her 2 back surgeries and hopes to be riding be the fall. This stay at home thing did not effect us at all as she has to spend 80% of her time in bed/or the recliner chair. She is doing well – up to 2 – 20 minute walks
                  a day around the house. I am working from home using GoToMeetings and Zoom with my clients. We wish everyone a very healthy lockdown!!!

                • #12227 Reply
                  Brandon Wilson

                    @Steve, I am super glad to hear Jan is doing well. She has had a long year, and my best to her and you.
                    @Bill A – having webbed toes makes you special. Just ask me, I know!
                    @Karl and @Chris, thanks for letting folks know I am looking for some good stuff! I don’t care how silly it is; serious it is etc. I would love to receive additional content for the upcoming Newsletter.
                    Stay safe, stay healthy. The more downtime I have, the more work I am able to do on my Airhead. I am afraid if I have too much time, pretty soon it actually will look like a new bike.
                    Take good care folks.

                  • #12228 Reply
                    David Eastly

                      Greetings from Long Beach. The Eastlys are fine. Nicole is able to work from home, and I’m puttering around waiting for Disneyland to re-open. My yard has never looked better and my bikes are now spotless.

                    • #12233 Reply
                      Larry Troffer

                        Trish and I are doing fine in North Carolina, staying with our daughter and grandkids including newborn girl, born on Saint Patrick’s Day. I brought the inner workings and hidden mechanisms of an airhead transmission with me and have finished replacing the worn parts. Looking forward to returning to my own garage to reassemble the gearbox and get it back on the motorcycle where it belongs.

                        • #12234 Reply
                          Karl Wagner

                            The “inner workings and hidden mechanisms of an airhead transmission”…….
                            Sounds like a great title for a German Spy Movie!!!
                            Be well Troffer’s!

                        • #12235 Reply
                          John Crittenden

                            Congrats, Trish and Larry, on your new grandchild! How many is that now?

                            My work has slowed down a good deal, but I am still able to work, as I have an “essential” job (insurance adjusting). Not able to take my motorcycle on most jobs, as I need my ladder, but with the traffic so light these days, don’t mind driving. Besides some local jobs, I’ve been to San Diego, Caliente (nice roads for future rides!), and Wofford Heights last week. Beth is also going in to her M.D. Office Manager job, and enjoying the quick commute.

                            See you all soon!

                            Bill and Karen, the gluten-free brownie mix from Trader’s is quite good (add some walnuts for extra treat), and easy to make, but if I get a job down Huntington Beach way, I’ll bring you some!

                            • #12236 Reply
                              Bill Reitz

                                Well thanks John. I may stage an accident just to get you down this way. Who do you work for again ???

                            • #12237 Reply
                              Eric Wolf

                                Hi All,
                                I’m doing fine; restless, like everyone else. Here’s something fun. You’ve never seen an F800 like this!

                              • #12240 Reply
                                Chris Roady

                                  That was a fun and informative video Eric.

                                  Update from the Brea compound:
                                  * Trans for the ‘73 75/5 was returned promptly and exactly at $$ estimate, thank you Irv Seaver’s BMW 👍🏻. Installation complete and I anxiously await a test ride, but first …
                                  * Cleaning the drive dog splines on the rear wheel and the splines in the final drive prior to applying Guard Dog Moly grease exposed additional spline wear since my last service. Good thing I love this old 75/5 and it is a keeper. Out for repair $$
                                  * The carburetor bodies for the ‘55 R50 were returned from Bing USA in Kansas Wednesday. Needles and jets NLA from BMW and Irv Seaver’s BMW were received from Bench Mark Works in Mississippi also and carbs were reassembled, bagged and tagged on Thursday.
                                  * Various hardware items and taps for thread repair on the ‘55 fuel tank arrived Friday and will get attention today.

                                  Glad to have the projects!

                                • #12242 Reply
                                  Bill Allen

                                    Chris –
                                    Most impressive!
                                    A photo journal would have been cool to follow your progress.

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