Classic Video from 2010

Classic Video from 2010

Forums General Classic Video from 2010

  • Creator
  • #12160 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Hey South Coasters –

      As we are in lockdown, and the YouTube channel has inspired some to dust off the archives from 2010, I have remastered a new, old video created by the club back in the day. I had to change the audio track to something I can use legally on YouTube. Enjoy!

      Stay safe, stay healthy and let us keep our prayers for the country and global society to get back to life as normal.

      Warm regards,

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    • Author
      • #12162 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Good fun Brandon, same passion for the bikes, road, camping, people and of course a good meal! Nice to see some younger versions of a few of our current members! Thanks for doing this.

        • #12165 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            While we’re watching videos, how about this blast from the past?

            Snow Coasters

            Anyone remember where we were going?

          • #12166 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Ahhh the Kernville Ride when I was trying to get us to Forest Route 23S16 toward Johnsondale. We made it about two years later. Thanks Rick for the memories.

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