First Spring Ride—21 March

First Spring Ride—21 March

Forums Rides First Spring Ride—21 March

  • Creator
  • #12098 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Tony Nguyen put together a ride for 21 March for anyone who is not going for the other rides!   It is now on the Calendar.

      Link to Calendar First Spring’s Ride

    Viewing 11 reply threads
    • Author
      • #12103 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Looks great Tony! Sorry I can’t make this one. Leaving that day for a week away celebrating our 35th anniversary!

        • #12107 Reply
          Alan DeCarr

            Hey Tony, looks like a great ride and my calendar is open. Count me in and I’ll see you then.


          • #12108 Reply
            Alan DeCarr

              Hey Tony, looks like a great ride and my calendar is open. Count me in and I’ll see you then.


              P.S. Sorry for the duplicate note. I have to stop hitting that “submit” button so quickly!!!

            • #12144 Reply
              Alan DeCarr

                I had planned on going, but in light of the current situation, I am going to pass on this trip.

              • #12145 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  Hey Tony,
                  If you are still going, I’ll check my helmet for covid an disinfect the inside, wash my hands for two minutes before sliding them into my gloves, and join you.

                • #12148 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    If my work permits, I also plan on doing the ride.

                  • #12149 Reply
                    Bill Reitz

                      Hey Tony, is this ride still on ???

                    • #12152 Reply

                        Hello everyone, don’t let the COVID-19 scares you, all we will do is meet up and ride, make sure you wash your hands and don’t touch your face. I am sure most of the restaurants are closed so bring your own snacks and drinks, places we are going are in the boonies so no COVID-19. See y’all at the rendezvous point, ride safe and have fun.


                      • #12153 Reply

                          Hello South Coasters

                          Waking up this morning and watched the news with additional restriction in place I regret to inform you, the First Spring Ride is cancelled. Hopefully I can set up another ride after this pandemic event.

                          Thank you

                        • #12154 Reply
                          Eric Wolf

                            Thanks Tony,
                            I understand and its for the best that we lay low for now.

                          • #12155 Reply
                            Chris Roady

                              I think you are making the right decision also. Bottom line for me is that the reason to stay at home isn’t just personal protection, but also society at large’s protection. Emptier roads and destinations, sanity preservation, reasonably priced fuel, etc. are all valid reasons why 2 wheels may be calling our names. But I will do my part to lessen the possibility of spreading the virus. Of course we should stay home if sick, but we should also consider that a healthy person could spread it through simple acts like transferring germs from a gas pump to the next location they visit. Staying home may also lessen the risk of needing to visit a health care facility for non virus related reasons.

                              Sorry to preach and I am sure my resolve will be challenged as time rolls on … good call cancelling this ride though, IMHO.

                              • #12157 Reply
                                Karl Wagner

                                  Well said Mike Romo, thanks!

                                  It is not about us the individual, but US the community!

                              • #12156 Reply
                                Mike Romo

                                  Tony I’m sorry to read the ride is canceled. My cabin fever has risen to an extremely high level. I’m in need of some wind therapy. Perhaps another time.

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