2020 49er Rally May 22-25

2020 49er Rally May 22-25

Forums Calendar Events 2020 49er Rally May 22-25

  • Creator
  • #11871 Reply
    John Crittenden

      I will put together a route to Mariposa County Fairgrounds as we get closer to the date.

      Early Bird Registration is open,  $65.   (At the gate is $95).    Camping is included—-and we will be setting up for SCers on the grassy field.   There are motels, etc. in and around Mariposa for those who prefer.

      Here is the link to the NorCal website:  https://bmwnorcal.org/event-3602202

      And the Link to Calendar 49er Rally 2020

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    • Author
      • #11890 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Going to be a good year for the 49er! Thanks for leading John.

          There is a new company providing GS clinics and this is a great location to practice. The rate is very reasonable for a 5 hour class.

          We will be doing the Motorhome deal on this trip, so plan on at least one Happy Hour at our campsite!!!!

          Going to be a fun weekend!

        • #11913 Reply
          Jessie Vaca

            Registered for 49er Rally and I have a room at the Mother Load Lodge, 5 minutes from fairground!
            Double room if anyone is interested in rooming! Let me know
            Much better than last year we were far away

          • #11947 Reply
            Brandon Wilson

              Registered and will be camping. Glad to hear you are close to town!

            • #12106 Reply
              Eric Wolf

                I’ll be going again. Not sure if I’ll do the GS course again this year. Broke stuff that last two years. How many times do I need to be whacked in the head before it gets through to me that I’m in over my head. 🙂

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