Tyre for Macintosh !!

Tyre for Macintosh !!

Forums General Tyre for Macintosh !!

  • Creator
  • #1186 Reply
    Bill Reitz

      The guys that wrote Tyre have listened to your pleas for an easier than Basecamp routing tool, they have made MyRouteApp.com and, just like Tyre, there is a free version as well as a paid one. Download myrouteapp onto your iPhone or Android AND download it onto your computer. You can make routes on the computer and transfer them to your phone or GPS. Routes can be shared to the public or just a group of friends, like us South Coasters. You can search the whole world for routes too. Most are in Europe now since the programmers live in Holland but we can add our favorites. There are instructional videos on YouTube; search for MyRoute-app then the English version, unless you are Ralf he can listen to the Austrian video.

      Let’s start building our library folks.

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    • Author
      • #1188 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Routes can be emailed or shared on Twitter or Facebook. I shared Karl’s route for the Joshua Tree ride on the Club’s Facebook page. This will make it easy to get routes out to all of us, you just need to sign up for the Club FB page. Routes can be shared privately, with a group (like us) or made public so the whole world can see them.

        • #1190 Reply
          Dale Sprosty

            I have the app that Bill is referring to on phone and it works great.

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