Ride List Section

Ride List Section

Forums General Ride List Section

  • Creator
  • #11826 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Anyone else not seeing the Ride List section…. I get the top of the page, but do not see the names and rides/dates? Or is it just me?


    Viewing 7 reply threads
    • Author
      • #11827 Reply
        Bill Allen

          I don’t see it either.

        • #11828 Reply
          Joe Alwan

            Same. Tried both Chrome and Edge. Ride list does not display

          • #11829 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Thanks, will email our Texas web support hotline! 🙂

            • #11832 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Ok, reveived a clarification from our Texas webmaster!

                Seems the “Sort” came up blank for myself and others above. If this happens, chose a “sort” and “ascending” or “decending” and the ride list shows up.

                Hope this helps,


              • #11836 Reply
                Richard Catarineau

                  From Texas with Love…

                  All fixed.

                • #11837 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    AND the Ride List is now alphabetized by first name ! Very nice. I used to have to look in the middle for me. Thanks Rick.

                  • #11838 Reply
                    Richard Catarineau

                      That sort was just for you Bill. I thought you would appreciate it.

                      While we’re at it, do you see anyone that should be removed from the list? It’s separate from everything else and needs to be manually cleaned up when some leaves.

                    • #11839 Reply
                      John Crittenden

                        Rick, Bill, I’ll go through the Ride List and let Rick know via email if anyone should not be on it.

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