Death Valley – Feb 14 – 17 Rider Thread

Death Valley – Feb 14 – 17 Rider Thread

Forums Rides Death Valley – Feb 14 – 17 Rider Thread

  • Creator
  • #11751 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Greetings guys and gals,
      This thread will serve as the official rider thread for the upcoming Death Valley ride with the Air Head group.

      Rob Tripp and I are co-leading this ride, assisting Bill Allen, our most notorious Air Head 🙂 It is in the spirit of Bills style that will guide how we arrange the weekend. If you have never done the DV rendezvous with the Air Heads, I HIGHLY recommend this adventure. Food, camping, a HUGE fire (hotels are an option and some guys are hotelling it) and it is worth the price of admission. Here is the link to pre-register with all of the details.

      I spoke with John Covington who is the leader of this event for the AirHeads and he was concerned about a sell-out, so pre-register as paying at the door you are sure to miss out on the food.

      Now for the willy nilly approach to getting there:
      We will depart Flow’s restaurant, Chino Airport Friday morning, Feb 14th at 9 AM. Kindly arrive early with a full tank of gas for a rider meeting at 8:45. I will jam up the 15, grab the 395 and stop in Ridgecrest for lunch. During lunch, we will decide our entry point to DV as there are a few different route choices. My favorite is via Trona.

      The goal is to be at Furnace Creek by 3:30 to allow ample time for camp setup and festivity consumption before dinner and fire.

      Saturday is willy nilly. The group will meet at 9 AM at the Visitors Center. If Scottys Castle is open, I hope to take that option. I plan to do a small bit of riding on Saturday. Chris and Karl are riding up on Saturday. If you want to ride with them and not miss Valentine’s day with your better half, this may be the better choice. Sync up with Chris if you decide to trek on Saturday.

      Sunday, Rob will lead the group home. Monday, I will ride home with those brave enough to stay the entire weekend.

      I look forward to seeing you at the event!

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    • Author
      • #11757 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Stay one stay all on Sunday night … the ride home on Monday will be much more fun that dealing with Sunday weekend warrior traffic!!!

        • #11805 Reply
          Chris Roady

            OK, looks like the Happy Wife/Happy Life group is growing. While I won’t attribute that reason to anyone but myself, the group is now 3. We will meet at the Starbucks off of the 15 freeway North of the 60 on E. Jurupa @ 8:00AM with KSU shortly thereafter. Two Airheads at this time, so the pace will be a bit more leisurely than Fridays crew I am guessing.

            Please let me know if you would like to ride up with us … any and all are welcome.


          • #11807 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              Can you pick a time and place for lunch in Ridgecrest? I’ll meet you there. (On my airhead, of course)

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