BMW MOA Rally Early Registration is OPEN!!

BMW MOA Rally Early Registration is OPEN!!

Forums Calendar Events BMW MOA Rally Early Registration is OPEN!!

  • Creator
  • #11585 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Hey South Coasters,
      The discounted early bird registration is open for the 2020 MOA Rally in Great Falls Montana. David Eastly will be leading a banner group of South Coasters up to the 2020 rally and if you are interested the early registation is open!
      This is going to be the event of the 2020!!!

    Viewing 6 reply threads
    • Author
      • #11587 Reply
        Karl Wagner


        • #11597 Reply
          howard Bland

            Howard Bland is registered.. Thanks

          • #11606 Reply
            Chuck Waychoff

              Thanks for the heads-up Karl! I am registered. Epic riding of the best roads in the mountain west begins in about 5 1/2 months! Six peeps planning to go in our group.

            • #11607 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Great Chuck, sounds like we need a club camp appranged…… David Eastly your up!

              • #11614 Reply
                David Eastly

                  Already reached out to MOA for a group camp. Details to follow….

                • #11630 Reply
                  Chris Roady

                    Registered also. HEADS UP that for a short time, there is an additional discount if 2 (or more) people register together. They are also offering the tee shirts with a 25% discount for only $15. Good motivation to register now for all y’all planning to attend.

                  • #11632 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      MOA Rally Campers,
                      It turns out that Sharon and I will be driving our Motorhome and pulling the trailer to the Rally in Great Falls so we can extend the trip afterwards. If anyone wants to help with gas money and would like us to bring some camping or other gear t othe rally, let’s talk! Something like half what shipping might cost would be a nice contribution!
                      Going to be a fun Summer!

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