New Years Day Ride Anyone????

New Years Day Ride Anyone????

Forums Rides New Years Day Ride Anyone????

  • Creator
  • #11583 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Anyone up for a New Year Day Ride to lunch somewhere to start the New Year? I am thinking about going North myself, Cold Springs or Jalama by way of Ojai.
      Late morning start, around 10 am return for late day bowl games.
      Anyone interested?

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    • Author
      • #11586 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Ok, Jalama it is. I will be at the Starbucks at 5030 W Rosecrans Ave, Hawthorne, CA 90250. It is just off hte 405 freeway.
          Going up the coast for a leasurely 3 hour ride up to Jalama for Lunch and back.
          Start the new year off right!

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