OC Traffic Officers' Moto Rodeo, Sept 11

OC Traffic Officers' Moto Rodeo, Sept 11

Forums Rides OC Traffic Officers' Moto Rodeo, Sept 11

  • Creator
  • #11064 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Hi All,
      Anyone want to join me tomorrow, Sept 11th, at Huntington State Beach for the 47th Annual Police Motorcycle Training and Skills Competition? Events include:
      • Individual Competition • Team Competition • Top Gun Competition • Raffle and Prizes • Competitor Awards• Achievement Awards • Exhibitors & Vendors

      Information is at this link: https://www.longbeachbmwmotorcycles.com/default.asp?page=xListEvents&id=443086

      Give me a call, text, respond here, or just show up!
      949 636-4769

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    • Author
      • #11107 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Wish I had been in town Eric, this is always a very fun event!!

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