Big Bear Weekend

Big Bear Weekend

Forums Calendar Events Big Bear Weekend

  • Creator
  • #10979 Reply
    Richard Catarineau

      Anyone moteling instead of camping? Any locations recommended? (Asking for a friend)

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    • Author
      • #10982 Reply
        Joe Alwan

          All the details are here:

          Big Bear ADV/Street Ride – 9/20-22/2019

          Not sure what the latest count is, but looks like at least 4 at the hotel. I booked at the Motel 6 that Ron found.

        • #10985 Reply
          David Omlor

            I have made my Motel 6 reservations for this weekend.
            Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new friends too.

            – The older you get, the earlier it gets late!

          • #11121 Reply
            Kep Wadiak

              I recently signed up for this event and plan on camping ifthere is room for me. Can I pay at the event?

            • #11123 Reply
              David Eastly

                Hey Kep, FYI there’s more info on the Big Bear Lake ADV/Street Weekend topic.

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