Ensenada Beer Fest 2020

Ensenada Beer Fest 2020

Forums Rides Ensenada Beer Fest 2020

  • Creator
  • #10870 Reply
    Jim Foreman

      Already, this trip has become legendary among South Coasters.

      This year will be a little bit different. First off, We’re adding a day and making it a 4-day/3-night trip. We’re also including Friday and Saturday’s admission to Beer Fest.
      Finally, we’ll be at a new hotel this year. It’s one I’m sure everyone will be quite pleased with.

      There will be more down-time as well as more fun rides in the area.

      I am truly grateful to share this wonderful experience with this phenomenal club.

      Ensenada Beer Fest 2020 Mar 19-22
      A vista point north of Ensenada on the Scenic Highway
      Tom demonstrating his charm on the locals.
      First-Class Dining at La Esperanza Bajamed
      Explaining the different wines at Viñedos de la Reina

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    • Author
      • #10893 Reply
        Jim Foreman

          South Coasters, get 10% Off this trip using coupon code “SouthCoasterBMW“.

          There are only 10 spots and it fills up quickly.


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