Death Valley Airheads Camping

Death Valley Airheads Camping

Forums Rides Death Valley Airheads Camping

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  • #1081 Reply
    Richard Catarineau

      Anybody want to join me (Rick) at the annual Airheads Death Valley Rally? I want to do some off-roading. Maybe see Ballarat (home of the Manson family) on the way up and do Titus Canyon on Saturday.

      Death Valley Rendezvous

      This year marks the 24th anniversary of the “Oldest and Lowest of all Airhead Rendezvous,” and, as in the previous 23 years, we will brave the unpredictable weather of February to gather at the Furnace Creek Campground in Death Valley National Park on President’s Day weekend.

      The Furnace Creek Ranch is nearby with a general store, restaurants, saloon, olympic sized spring fed pool, showers, & museum. The Death Valley Nat Park visitor’s center is also a short walk from the campground. Whether you decide to explore the park or leave your ride parked for the day – we know you’ll have a good time. The event is steeped in tradition, and last year we counted over 100 motorcycles with attendees from as far away as Pennsylvania! We all enjoyed the perfect 80 degree weather in the shady trees with friends old and new. We hope to see YOU there!

      Registration fee: $80 per person paid on-site / at the event

      What the registration fee gets you:
      * 3 nights of camping (our usual awesome sites have already been reserved)
      * An array of fine craft beers in kegs and all tapped kept icy cold
      * 3 meals by Pixton Kempton Moto Catering:
      Saturday Breakfast
      Saturday Dinner
      Sunday Breakfast
      * Friday dinner & Saturday lunch may be available a la carte (nominal charge)
      * Bottled Water
      * Healthy Snacks
      * Large bonfire nightly
      * Priceless memories

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