Syncing Helmet Bluetooths

Syncing Helmet Bluetooths

Forums General Syncing Helmet Bluetooths

  • Creator
  • #1033 Reply
    Bill Reitz

      Before the next big Club ride it might be a safety item to link as many helmets as possible. It would make stopping for a #2 break a little safer !! I was gonna bring this up at the Tech Day but I didn’t make it there. The Club members used to communicate with FRS radios before Bluetooth took over, it made for a safer ride to be able to point out sand or ice on the road from the ride leader.
      Most helmets, if they have the latest software/firmware updates, are now Universal so they talk to various brands not just Sena to Sena or Nolan to Nolan. What do you all think ?? Maybe after the March General Meeting ?

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    • Author
      • #1036 Reply
        Richard Catarineau

          Lisa and I have used the Schuberth/Scala Bluetooth headsets and the range is not that great. It’s about a quarter-mile line of sight but disappears around any hill. But ours are several years old. Maybe the newer ones have better range.

        • #1041 Reply
          Dale Sprosty

            I have paired with Tom H. on past rides with my Sena unit and it worked very well. At a minimum I plan on connecting (Laughlin Ride) with whomever is acting as sweeper for our group.
            Good suggestion/recommendation Rick.

          • #1042 Reply
            Tom Hooper

              I think linking is great for one or two riders. Linking a group might be a disaster. Too much communication can be a dangerous distraction. Just my opinion.

            • #1043 Reply

                I am told that Schuberth only links to Schuberth (Scala). I believe, Bluetooth allows only for 1 pairing. Using new BMW Navigator V and using BMW Blutooth, rider & passenger Schuberths are paired with the navigation.

                Using Schuberth’s Blutooth, you could do two, e.g. iPhone and 1 additonal (another rider or passenger), and Schuberth would automatically disconnect one and do another – back & forth. But I never tried. I would have to take a look at Schuberth’s documentation again to understand. But then, now I am using BMW’s inside my Schuberths so there goes that idea.

              • #1078 Reply
                Dale Sprosty

                  Totally agree with Tom H on too many connections creates additional distractions.

                • #1080 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Gentlemen, you have all missed the point of my original post !! If all the riders were linked up they could ALL tell me what a wonderful ride leader I am and how much they enjoy following me. That’s all I had in mind. 😉

                  • #1083 Reply
                    Dale Sprosty

                      The majority of us already made that assumption Mr. Reitz!! Too funny!

                    • #1111 Reply
                      Steve Leo

                        If you are looking to sinc numerous riders the Sena 20S can link up to 9. It gets a little complicated and I agree that trying to communicate with that many people is distracting. I know that Danny & Elaine and Jan and I have all paired up and it works nice for 2 bikes with 2 up. Great for pottie breaks if you are not leading.

                        I think trip leader and sweep would be a really good idea.

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