Overland Expo West

Overland Expo West

Forums Rides Overland Expo West

  • Creator
  • #10039 Reply
    Mike Romo

      The event is from May 17 to May 19, camping is available, the event is near Flagstaff, Az.
      I’ve bought my weekend pass and plan to ride out there on Thursday May 16, and return on Monday May 20.
      Is anyone else going?

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    • Author
      • #10042 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Looks great Mike! Wish we could attend! But have a conflict…. :0

        • #10044 Reply
          Chuck Waychoff

            Steve Hughson and I are going Mike. Sorry you can’t make it Karl. Conflicts have gotten me a lot this year, but not this time! Should be great although I’ve never been. We bought the “Moto camping” and “Moto party” tickets. Looks like it will sell-out.

          • #10048 Reply
            Mike Romo

              Great to hear that your going. Do you want to ride up together? Thursday morning at a reasonable hour is fine for me. I got scheduled for the off road training, 1 and 2.

            • #10187 Reply
              Chuck Waychoff

                Hey Mike – Steve and I are planning to leave early Thursday morning May 16 for Overland Expo. You are welcome to join us for the ride to Flagstaff. Not sure of route at this time, but we will probably meet at 6:30 or 7:00 am at the 138 and I-15 intersection or some other place in the I.E. Let us know if you want to ride with us. Cheers.

              • #10253 Reply
                Mike Romo

                  Chuck, most definitely I would like to meet you for the ride up.
                  7:00 a. m. meet – up on the 15 / 138 will work for me.

                • #10261 Reply
                  Chuck Waychoff

                    Mike – I will send you a private email with our planned route, etc.

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