3:10 to Yuma

3:10 to Yuma

Forums Calendar Events 3:10 to Yuma

  • Creator
  • #7141 Reply
    Erasmo Brenes

      After two years absence, we’re back riding to Yuma this coming March. And what better weekend than March 10!. We’ll be staying at the Radisson Hotel in Yuma and I will be leading the ride on Saturday, returning on Sunday. Chris Roady will be leading anyone who may want to go on Friday.

      To get a room, call the Radisson at 928-373-6570, ask for Ashley and/or Reservations and mention the rooms reserved for the SCBMW Riders club. Rooms are $102 for a King bed, or $112 for 2 Double beds. These rooms are held until February 10th.

      Details for the route ride will be posted soon (ie GPX files), but likely we’ll be taking the 78 east through Glamis then down S34 to I-8, and on the return Sunday, will likely visit the famous prison, then follow the border, with either lunch in Barrett Junction or go up to Julian for lunch (through the 79).

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    • Author
      • #7146 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Got a room at the Raddison … they wouldn’t honor the block price for Friday, but I was able to get it close to the price with an AAA discount.

        • #7446 Reply
          Erasmo Brenes

            Just a heads up that the Radisson reservations will expire this Friday, Feb 9th.

          • #7559 Reply
            Erasmo Brenes

              Update. Tom White will be leaving on Friday as well. Anyone who wants to leave then can contact him.
              The Saturday ride meets at Starbucks San Juan Capistrano Mission at 8:00am and leaves at 8:15am.
              We’re planning on having lunch in Calexico, then arriving in Yuma mid afternoon. On Sunday, we’ll visit the
              famous Yuma Prison and then head back looking for Salvation :-). Plan on having lunch in Borrego Springs
              at the Red Ocotillo (was recommended by people who went there on the Borrego Springs campout).
              I need a head count for the reservations for lunch and dinner. So far, I understand this to be the list:

              Jessie V.
              Tom W.
              Brandon W.
              Dan Burtt
              Chris R.
              David O.
              Roberto G.
              Garry N
              Dale S (Maybe?)

              Let me know if you’re not on that list and want to go.

              Attached are the garmin gpx files for the trip.

            • #7563 Reply
              David Omlor

                I have managed to contract the deadly head cold that seems to be wreaking havoc everywhere. Unless I can recover in time, I will have to cancel my reservations…
                – David

              • #7565 Reply
                Garrett Nowlin

                  Confirmed for me. I will be with the Saturday crew, and see you guys Saturday morning at 8am at five bucks in SJC

                  Garrett Nowlin (you had me listed as Garry)

                • #7568 Reply
                  Erasmo Brenes

                    Good to know. Sorry for the mistake on your name. Will see you then.
                    David, I’ll keep you as a maybe with the hope that you can make it.

                  • #7569 Reply
                    Chris Roady

                      I will be riding out Saturday instead of Friday also, so I can attend an event at my granddaughters school on Friday. See y’all at Starbucks!

                    • #7570 Reply
                      Bill Reitz

                        I posted on the Facebook page but just a reminder… Sunday daylight savings starts. Arizona doesn’t observe daylight savings but when you cross the border set your clocks FORWARD. You don’t want to be late to lunch.

                      • #7571 Reply
                        Erasmo Brenes

                          Thanks Bill, good to know πŸ™‚

                        • #7572 Reply
                          Brandon Wilson

                            Folks still going even though the weather looks a bit ugly?

                          • #7573 Reply
                            Erasmo Brenes

                              Friday forecast is that we’ll be running ahead of the rain in the OC/Temecula area πŸ™‚
                              Thereafter, there is no rain forecasted for Calexico, etc (for now).
                              On Sunday, rain is forecasted in the morning, tapering off by the afternoon (in the OC/Temecula) area. So, if
                              we keep on track of time, we should also avoid it on Sunday.

                              Given the change to Daylight Savings Time on Sunday we have a slight schedule conflict. The Yuma Prison
                              opens at 9am, which is 10am for CA. Thus, we’ll have to decide on Saturday night dinner which of the two
                              stops to pick (ie Yuma Prison vs Salvation Mtn) in order to make it in time for lunch in Borrego Springs (Red Ocotillo).

                            • #7574 Reply
                              Jessie Vaca

                                Hey everyone, just heard from Roady, he’s sick and won’t make it to Yuma. Anyone up for splitting the room that Chris and I were going to split, let me know!

                              • #7575 Reply
                                Jessie Vaca

                                  Hey everyone, just heard from Roady, he’s sick and won’t make it to Yuma. Anyone up for splitting the room that Chris and I were going to split, let me know!

                                • #7576 Reply
                                  Roberto Giraldes

                                    I am not going as well because of my back.

                                  • #7578 Reply
                                    Erasmo Brenes

                                      Given the above, this is the list of attendees that I have.
                                      Tom W.
                                      Jessie V.
                                      Brandon W.
                                      Garrett N.
                                      Leon F.
                                      David O.
                                      Dale S

                                      Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the above list.

                                    • #7579 Reply
                                      Brandon Wilson


                                        I need to back out this weekend. I have to be in Europe next week and will be flying out Saturday. Have a great ride!

                                      • #7580 Reply
                                        Erasmo Brenes

                                          Ok. New list:

                                          Tom W. (already there?)
                                          Jessie V. (2)
                                          Garrett N.
                                          Leon F.
                                          Myself (2)

                                          David O.
                                          Dale S

                                          We’ll see Garrett and Leon at San Juan Starbucks tomorrow (and anyone else).

                                        • #7581 Reply
                                          David Omlor

                                            Hi Erasmo – as I wrote a couple days ago, this head cold/flu lingers and I will not be able to attend this Yuma ride. Best to all – Ride Safely and enjoy the sun everyone!

                                          • #7583 Reply
                                            Erasmo Brenes

                                              Well, thanks to those that joined me this past weekend. I had a great time and the weather did cooperate.
                                              Great group:
                                              Jessie and Brenda,
                                              Leon and Brook,
                                              Tom W.
                                              Garrett N.
                                              Diane B.

                                              Looking forward to the next ride.

                                            • #7584 Reply
                                              Bill Reitz

                                                Don’t keep us waiting …… WHO did the Chicken Dance ????

                                              • #7585 Reply
                                                Erasmo Brenes

                                                  No one πŸ™‚
                                                  We didn’t go there. We returned to the Da Boyz, where Dale got his nickname from πŸ™‚

                                                • #7588 Reply
                                                  Jessie Vaca

                                                    Thanks for leading Erasmo, we had a great time!

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